Diabetic Nephropathy

One among the many reasons for kidney failure is diabetes, the high sugar level in blood. Overtime diabetes cause damage to the function of kidney and there is no cure for it. Medications, dialysis and transplant are some of the treatment options for kidney failure.

The kidney is the filter house of our body, its function is to filter the blood by removing the waste in it, and serving cleaned blood to the body. Once the kidney fails in such function, thereby fails in maintaining the salts that the body needs, which is said as ‘Kidney failure’

Development of kidney failure is directly related to the history of diabetes affected in a person. Longer the history of diabetes, so as the progression of diabetes occurs. It is found that a good number of kidney failures are noticed when diagnosed out of around 20 to 30 percent of people with diabetes affected by Kidney disease (diabetic nephropathy).

Till now there is no cure treatment for diabetic nephropathy. Apart from Kidney failure, diabetes can lead to a condition known as ‘renal artery stenosis or renovascular disease, that narrows the arteries to the kidneys.

Preventive measures:

  • Strict control of blood sugar and blood pressure levels
  • Avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDS)
  • Ensure prompt treatment for Urinary tract infections with antibiotics
  • Consume plenty of water
  • Do a routine kidney health check

Diabetic Nephropathy and Diabetic Physico Treatment:

If prevention is the only way to avoid diabetic nephropathy, then never need a second thought than opting Diabetic Physico Treatment. This is a fast track diabetes reversal program, a treatment program that reverses your blood sugar level to normal rather than controlling the sugar level of your blood. Do visit at Wellcare diabetes hospital at Attoor, Near Marthandam, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu, and get relieved from all ailments caused over diabetes.